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Animal Sera and FBS

Animal Sera and FBS

Animal sera including fetal bovine serum (FBS) is an integral part of cell culture, vaccine development, and drug discovery, as it provides a large amount of growth factors and essential nutrients which aid in the growth of cells. Trusted worldwide, Captivate Bio has become the go-to supplier for high quality animal sera as well as premium and specialty FBS. Other sera includes newborn calf serum, rabbit serum, mouse serum, and donor donkey, goat, and horse serum.

  • Market-leading prices
  • Lot reservation and storage programs available

View our product list below or contact us for a free quote.

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Captivate Bio Fetal Bovine Serum

How do we compare to other suppliers?

We offer extremely competitive pricing by partnering directly with leading serum manufacturers, securing high-quality lots, and by omitting extra margins built into many of the competition's pricing. You can save up to 50% list price by choosing Captivate Bio serum solutions over other suppliers.

Pricing comparison chart
Captivate Bio
FBS, Australia Origin
FBS, US Origin
FBS, USDA Origin
FBS, Heat-Inactivated
FBS, Charcoal Stripped
FBS, Exosome-Depleted

*Prices shown are USD list prices published as of April 2024. Data collected from published information on suppliers' US website for products and comparable quality. This pricing is for informational purposes only. We encourage you to compare Certificates of Analysis to make accurate product comparisons.

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FBS Supply Request

Trusted by both academic and industry customers, Captivate Bio has become the go-to supplier for premium and specialty serum solutions with fast service and consistent supply. With market-leading prices, lot reservation and storage programs, contact our team today to request a sample or a free quote or animal serum or FBS.